  • Life is Never Boring – Extreme Weather

    It never ceases to amaze me the amount of time and support long term locals give up to help their community across Outback Queensland.  The owners and staff of BOOBOOK are another great example of this, even if I do say so myself. Two years ago, I and some fellow like-minded people, started a junior… Read more »

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  • Roma Big Rig tourism centre information

    Life is Never Boring – Roma Tourism

    Hi, I’m Meryl and I’ve been lucky enough to be invited to help review the Roma Big Rig Oil Patch display along with other people from within the region.  A few years back the Maranoa Regional Council produced The Big Rig Master Plan, which identifies a lot of great actions.  Unfortunately funding availability has restricted… Read more »

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  • woman on horse on her farm in Roma

    Life is Never Boring – Part One

     Hi, I’m Meryl.  I live on the outskirts of a country town called Roma in Outback Queensland.  Between my family, the farm, running an ecological consulting business, ecotour business, and community interests, life is never boring.  This is the beginning of my Blog, as I aim to share with you weekly some of the day… Read more »

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  • bearded dragon found in Roma Outback Queensland

    Hot Temps bring Reptiles to Life in Roma

    The last few weeks have been very busy with reptile relocations for our team here at Boobook. This was due to the dry and very hot (over 40 degrees Celsius) conditions we were experiencing in the Roma Region. Here’s a few tidbits from our jobs: The little fellow above is an Eastern Bearded Dragon and… Read more »

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  • guide tour woman flower botanist wildflower

    Introducing our Botanist, Rose

    What does being a botanist mean? If you check the dictionary the broad definition it gives is a person who studies all plant life – from grasses to tall trees. However there’s more to it for me. Being a botanist is not just learning the names of plants, it’s also about being passionate for plants,… Read more »

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  • Bufonidae Rhinella marina cane toad

    Toad or Frog – How to Tell the Difference

    The Cane Toad Rhinella marina continues its’ march across Australia, spreading from its original introduction sites on the tropical north Queensland coast. It’s now seen regularly in southern inland Queensland towns like Roma, Injune and Miles.  Cane toads are often confused with some of our larger kinds of native frogs. This sometimes leads people to… Read more »

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  • Duncan Armstrong gives Wallaroo Outback Retreat the Thumbs Up

    Story by Pauline MacDonnell. “Wallaroo is the perfect way to experience our incredible Aussie landscape with all the comfort and luxury of being in a five star hotel. I’ve travelled a great deal with my swimming career and work life, but rarely have I seen a better set-up than Wallaroo. I’ll be recommending Wallaroo to… Read more »

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  • Channel Billed Cuckoo - birds

    5 Species of Migratory Birds You’ll Find in the Roma Region

    BOOBOOK Ecologists, like Craig Eddie and Richard Johnson, get excited as spring approaches.  Not only does this time of year bring the reptiles back out of their winter hiding places, it is also usually brings an increase in birds and their songs throughout the Roma region.   Some of the birds we see in our part… Read more »

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  • pink wildflowers

    Spring has Sprung: Watch out for Wildflowers

    What do wildflowers look like? Wildflowers can be any native flowering plant, including tree, shrubs and herbage. Usually associated to form carpets of colours, such as those famous in Western Australia. Gum trees can turn snowy white, and drip with nectar, blue blur of bluebells growing on the edges of roads, golden blaze of wattles,… Read more »

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  • Macdonnell wedding

    Bigger than Ben-Hur – A Party in the Outback

    By Pauline MacDonnell If you lived in the middle of Brisbane, few would ever consider hosting their own 40th birthday party in their home or backyard.   The idea of throwing a 21st birthday or better yet their own wedding at home is just not a thought worth entertaining.   It would be so much easier to… Read more »

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