Fitness requirements for Boobook Explore tours
Our eco-friendly tours and walks throughout Outback Queensland require varying levels of fitness.
Average: Suitable for most people in good health. Short walks (up to 500 meters one way), however on uneven rocky ground. All out in the bush, no graded tracks. Surfaces range from sand to rock, with short areas of loose ground, with some steep sections. Suitable for almost everyone, except if you have knee mobility or balance issues. Hiking poles are provided if necessary.
Good: You must be prepared to participate in the day-to-day running of the survey, including keeping up with a walking pace of approximately 3 to 5 kms per hour, depending on the terrain being covered. Working distances travelled per day could be up to 10kms. Walking will involve some spells of continuous rough ground, and stretches of moderate to steep inclines with varying ground surfaces from sand to rock. Food and a minimum of 4 litres of water for the day will be carried by each participant. Each night participants will return to the base camp. Pace will be variable and there may be some areas of rock hopping.
Very Good: A very good level of fitness is required as walks can be demanding due to steep slopes, boulder hopping, water crossings, narrow gorges, uneven ground, potentially slippery surfaces with thick undergrowth. While the pace may vary depending on surveys being conducted and terrain being covered, expect to be able to keep up with a walking pace of approximately 3 to 5 kms per hour. Walking distances travelled per day could be up to 20kms. Walking will involve some spells of continuous rough ground, and stretches of moderate to steep inclines with varying ground surfaces from sand to rock. Food and a minimum of 4 litres of water for the day will be carried by each participant. Each night participants will return to the base camp.

Image Source © State of Queensland. Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing
Find out more about walking with care and track gradings at the Queensland Government – Department of Environment and Science