  • eco adventure travel

    Fighting Snakes

    One of the most exciting things about night-time spotlighting searches is that you never know what you might come across. I was recently spotlighting for gliders and koalas with a couple of colleagues when one of us spotted these two snakes on the forest floor. They are Small-eyed Snakes (Cryptophis nigrescens), a common species in… Read more »

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  • Staying Connected with Nature

    The worldwide pandemic of the Covid19 saw the closure millions of tourist and recreational activities, with people needing to isolate and stay indoors a lot more! Now more than ever we really need to find ways to keep our spirits up and life as normal as it possibly can. Studies show that connecting with nature… Read more »

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  • Bushfire Rescue : Greater Glider

    Australia has an incredible array of fantastic and iconic wildlife but few people have ever seen or even heard of our beautiful Greater Glider Petauroides volans. As voluntary wildlife carers this charming animal recently came into temporary care following its rescue from a nearby bush fire which burnt its home. This particular glider was lucky… Read more »

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  • Eco Science Expedition In Outback Queensland

    WOW, what a week. After reading this you’ll definitely want to come on the next BOOBOOK Eco-science Expedition…… From the 2nd to the 5th September BOOBOOK undertook its very first Eco-science Expedition with some very special guests in unexplored sections of the upper Dawson River, in Outback Queensland’s Carnarvon Ranges. While BOOBOOK’s talented staff have… Read more »

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  • responsible travel australia

    Australia’s Coral Snake – A Mini Elapid

    The elapid snake family includes the front-fanged venomous species. Everyone has heard of the more fearsome Eastern Brown Snake and the Mulga Snake, but what about some of our smaller species of elapid snakes? Introducing Australia’s own Coral Snake (Brachyurophis australis), a reddish –orange, slightly venomous species. What do they look like? The Coral Snake… Read more »

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  • Eco-friendly tours & treks

    Explore the Unexplored

    Outback Queensland is host to some of Australia’s best kept secrets. This unique country of ours is so vast that some areas are yet to be properly explored. With a keen interest in natural history and native animals and plants, BOOBOOK ecologists love to explore the unexplored to further understanding of this wonderful place we… Read more »

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  • echindna

    The Spiny Truth about Echidnas

    One of the privileges of living in an Outback Queensland town is that sometimes we are visited by some really cool creatures. This young Short-beaked Echidna Tachyglossus aculeatus was rescued yesterday when it ventured into a yard in suburban Roma. It was foraging for termites around some garden bed sleepers. Some caring locals alerted us to… Read more »

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  • Stripe-faced Dunnart

    Native Marsupial Mice

    Planigales and Dunnarts are the official names for species of native marsupial mice. Dunnarts found in Roma, or the Maranoa region include the Striped-faced Dunnart Sminthopsis macroura, Fat-tailed Dunnart Sminthopsis crassicaudata and Common Dunnart Sminthopsis murina.  They are small marsupials around the same size as the introduced and pesky house mouse.  What distinguishes them from the… Read more »

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  • book tours online

    Roma’s Easter in the Country – A Real Outback Queensland Experience

    Are you after an unforgettable Easter that’s action-packed and will suit the whole family? Come to Roma for its annual Easter in the Country community event. There’s a whole line up of activities, events and entertainment throughout the weekend to suit everyone from all walks of life. For the foodies, there’s Outback Tucker Under the… Read more »

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  • outback queensland

    What to Expect in Outback Queensland: Central and Far West

    After you’ve explored all that South West Queensland has to offer (read our blog here), don’t be afraid to wander a little farther into the Central West and Far West Regions. These regions hold a huge amount of Australian history and beauty in some of Queensland’s harshest environments. A few hundred kilometres north of the… Read more »

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