  • Earth Hour

    How We Support Earth Hour

    Boobook (Ecological Consulting & Ecotours) based in Roma, Outback Queensland, supports Earth Hour’s #SwitchForNature campaign by implementing actions that encourages renewable resource use within our work place. Possibly one of our biggest energy saving projects has been the installation of solar panels at our main business premises.  For us the decision was easy as it… Read more »

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  • Life’s Never Boring – Drought and Hopeful for Flooding Rains

    Well after droughts, bushfires and a bit of relief from rain in March it is time to put the fingers to the keyboard and catch up on some overdue ramblings. Around Roma, Queensland we’ve had a lucky reprieve from one of the worst droughts ever according to families that have lived in the district for… Read more »

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  • ecotours what to do in Roma Queensland

     Christmas Surprise

    When I was twelve, not unlike any other Christmas morning, we jumped out of bed and raced to open presents from under the tree. Unbeknownst to us, while the door had been left open the previous day, a goanna had moseyed inside looking for a cool spot to escape the summer heat. After a few presents… Read more »

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  • lady farmer and her cattle truck

    Life is Never Boring – What a Week!

    The past week was a little bit more crazy than usual.  It started on the weekend when we took a touch football team from Roma to the Gold Coast for a one day carnival.  The Gold Coast is about a six and a half hour drive from Roma.  To give our kids access to top… Read more »

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