  • Eco Science Expedition In Outback Queensland

    WOW, what a week. After reading this you’ll definitely want to come on the next BOOBOOK Eco-science Expedition…… From the 2nd to the 5th September BOOBOOK undertook its very first Eco-science Expedition with some very special guests in unexplored sections of the upper Dawson River, in Outback Queensland’s Carnarvon Ranges. While BOOBOOK’s talented staff have… Read more »

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  • What to Expect in Outback Queensland: South West Region

    South West Queensland provides a broad scope of landscapes and activities to experience. This region has just a few unusual names that’ll be sure to keep you entertained on the road. For example, you’ll find Pickanjinnie is located somewhere in between Wallumbilla and Muckadilla. In the Outback, races aren’t strictly limited to horses; we like… Read more »

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  • What Tree Am I? Grass Tree

    What plant has grass-like leaves and a woody trunk that may be several metres tall? That’s right it’s a Grass Tree.  Although some might think a ‘skirt tree’ might be a more appropriate name.  These iconic native plants belong in a family that is related to lilies and grasses, and despite the trunk, are not… Read more »

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  • Life is Never Boring – Betty the Bettong

    I’m trying to think back to what has happened over the last couple of months as it all rolls into one big blur….does this ever happen to you?  I never quite know whether that means we have too much on the go or if I’m starting to lose the plot as I get a bit… Read more »

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  • Life’s Never Boring – Outback Travel

    A quote found on Facebook recently: “Europeans….I drove 20 minutes and now I’m in France.  Australians….I drove 20 minutes and now I’m at the end of my drive way”. So True.  There are some spectacular places in Outback Australia, however you do need to be prepared to travel to get there. The last two weeks… Read more »

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  • ecotours what to do in Roma Queensland

     Christmas Surprise

    When I was twelve, not unlike any other Christmas morning, we jumped out of bed and raced to open presents from under the tree. Unbeknownst to us, while the door had been left open the previous day, a goanna had moseyed inside looking for a cool spot to escape the summer heat. After a few presents… Read more »

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