  • Carpet python

    How to Prepare for Snake Season

    As the temperature begins to rise, so will the activity of local snakes. Reptiles such as snakes become more active in the hotter months and begin looking around for food. As they move around they can often be spotted in backyards, inside homes and local parks looking for a warm place to set up camp. … Read more »

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  • Being a responsible traveller in Australia

    Whether you are an international tourist or an Aussie citizen, it is important to travel throughout Outback Australia responsibly. There are many factors to consider and be aware of, such as our poisonous creatures, animals that may cross roads at any times of day (cattle, kangaroos and emus), distances between some towns and black spots… Read more »

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  • Driving on outback Queensland dirt roads

    Driving on Outback Dirt Roads

    Driving on our Outback Roads can have its moments. While out and about on a recent trip to a remote part of the Carnarvon Range, Craig snapped these photos through the windscreen (while safely stopped at the side of the road). The sight of a road train approaching at speed on a dirt road and… Read more »

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  • woman on horse on her farm in Roma

    Life is Never Boring – Part One

     Hi, I’m Meryl.  I live on the outskirts of a country town called Roma in Outback Queensland.  Between my family, the farm, running an ecological consulting business, ecotour business, and community interests, life is never boring.  This is the beginning of my Blog, as I aim to share with you weekly some of the day… Read more »

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