  • things to do in carnarvon

    Dining with the Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo

    There are many amazing things about the Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus funereus ). One of these is its ability to find its favourite foods – wood-boring grubs! These are the larvae of beetles and moths which tunnel into various trees such as gum trees and wattles. In this snippet of footage, a male Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo, uses… Read more »

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  • Bushfire Rescue : Greater Glider

    Australia has an incredible array of fantastic and iconic wildlife but few people have ever seen or even heard of our beautiful Greater Glider Petauroides volans. As voluntary wildlife carers this charming animal recently came into temporary care following its rescue from a nearby bush fire which burnt its home. This particular glider was lucky… Read more »

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  • responsible travel australia

    Australia’s Coral Snake – A Mini Elapid

    The elapid snake family includes the front-fanged venomous species. Everyone has heard of the more fearsome Eastern Brown Snake and the Mulga Snake, but what about some of our smaller species of elapid snakes? Introducing Australia’s own Coral Snake (Brachyurophis australis), a reddish –orange, slightly venomous species. What do they look like? The Coral Snake… Read more »

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  • Stripe-faced Dunnart

    Native Marsupial Mice

    Planigales and Dunnarts are the official names for species of native marsupial mice. Dunnarts found in Roma, or the Maranoa region include the Striped-faced Dunnart Sminthopsis macroura, Fat-tailed Dunnart Sminthopsis crassicaudata and Common Dunnart Sminthopsis murina.  They are small marsupials around the same size as the introduced and pesky house mouse.  What distinguishes them from the… Read more »

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    Roma’s Easter in the Country – A Real Outback Queensland Experience

    Are you after an unforgettable Easter that’s action-packed and will suit the whole family? Come to Roma for its annual Easter in the Country community event. There’s a whole line up of activities, events and entertainment throughout the weekend to suit everyone from all walks of life. For the foodies, there’s Outback Tucker Under the… Read more »

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  • Life is Never Boring – Tasmania

    Happy New Year Everyone! With 2018 now under our belt we are looking forward to 2019 and hope you are too. Craig, I and our kids were fortunate to be able to take a little time off to go to Tasmania in December.  We did lots of their wonderful walks and although we didn’t get… Read more »

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  • Mulga Snake in the Maranoa

    The weather is heating up, and as we all know, it’s coming into snake season. One of the snakes we need to keep an eye out for is the Mulga. The Mulga (Pseudechis australis) is part of the Elapidae family and holds the title of Australia’s largest venomous snake, with the largest specimen recorded at 3.3m in… Read more »

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  • Bloomin’ Bottle Trees

    October is a wonderful time of year. The temperatures are perfect to head outdoors, there’s plenty of wildlife activity and lots of flowers about. You don’t need to go far before you see some of the flowers we’re talking about. Take a wander along some Roma’s streets and you will see carpets of flowers on… Read more »

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  • Life’s Never Boring – Outback Travel

    A quote found on Facebook recently: “Europeans….I drove 20 minutes and now I’m in France.  Australians….I drove 20 minutes and now I’m at the end of my drive way”. So True.  There are some spectacular places in Outback Australia, however you do need to be prepared to travel to get there. The last two weeks… Read more »

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  • ecotours what to do in Roma Queensland

     Christmas Surprise

    When I was twelve, not unlike any other Christmas morning, we jumped out of bed and raced to open presents from under the tree. Unbeknownst to us, while the door had been left open the previous day, a goanna had moseyed inside looking for a cool spot to escape the summer heat. After a few presents… Read more »

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