  • Scorpion Urodacus macrurus under ultraviolet light

    Glow in the dark Scorpions

    When the sun goes down in the Australian outback a completely new suite of animals come out of hiding. This includes Urodacus macrurus, a large (up to 10cm in length) species of scorpion that occurs throughout central Queensland. These scorpions avoid the harsh sun during the day bunkered down in their burrow. Instead, they prefer… Read more »

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  • Earth Hour

    How We Support Earth Hour

    Boobook (Ecological Consulting & Ecotours) based in Roma, Outback Queensland, supports Earth Hour’s #SwitchForNature campaign by implementing actions that encourages renewable resource use within our work place. Possibly one of our biggest energy saving projects has been the installation of solar panels at our main business premises.  For us the decision was easy as it… Read more »

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  • When Magpies Attack

    When Magpies Attack – What To Do

    We often get asked about Magpies and while its never fun to be on the receiving end of a Australian Magpie Cracticus tibicen’s  defensive behaviour, it is understandable when you learn a little more about them.  Why do Magpies swoop? They’re are very territorial birds. They’ll protect their territory from other birds throughout the year…. Read more »

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  • Spring is in the air!

    I was looking at my diminished woodpile this morning and thinking that I might not need to cut any more this winter. We might just have seen off the worst of the cold. Spring is in the air! In the last week I’ve noticed the Little Noisy Friarbirds Philemon corniculatus (a kind of honeyeater) arriving… Read more »

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