  • Eastern Snapping Frog (Cyclorana novaehollandiae)

    While we acknowledge that there are still some parts of western Queensland that have received little or no recent rain, the downpours in areas such as Roma have stimulated frog activity that I haven’t seen since the last big wet years between 2010 and 2012. Standing on our home deck last night I could hear… Read more »

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  • Carpet python

    How to Prepare for Snake Season

    As the temperature begins to rise, so will the activity of local snakes. Reptiles such as snakes become more active in the hotter months and begin looking around for food. As they move around they can often be spotted in backyards, inside homes and local parks looking for a warm place to set up camp. … Read more »

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  • Mulga Snake in the Maranoa

    The weather is heating up, and as we all know, it’s coming into snake season. One of the snakes we need to keep an eye out for is the Mulga. The Mulga (Pseudechis australis) is part of the Elapidae family and holds the title of Australia’s largest venomous snake, with the largest specimen recorded at 3.3m in… Read more »

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  • bearded dragon found in Roma Outback Queensland

    Hot Temps bring Reptiles to Life in Roma

    The last few weeks have been very busy with reptile relocations for our team here at Boobook. This was due to the dry and very hot (over 40 degrees Celsius) conditions we were experiencing in the Roma Region. Here’s a few tidbits from our jobs: The little fellow above is an Eastern Bearded Dragon and… Read more »

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