  • Stripe-faced Dunnart

    Native Marsupial Mice

    Planigales and Dunnarts are the official names for species of native marsupial mice. Dunnarts found in Roma, or the Maranoa region include the Striped-faced Dunnart Sminthopsis macroura, Fat-tailed Dunnart Sminthopsis crassicaudata and Common Dunnart Sminthopsis murina.  They are small marsupials around the same size as the introduced and pesky house mouse.  What distinguishes them from the… Read more »

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  • What the heck is a Narrow Nosed Planigale?

    Found this little critter in our house garden yesterday at Roma, Queensland.  Only a youngster, it is a Narrow-nosed Planigale and only the second we’ve found in the sixteen years we’ve been gardening here. With an adult fitting comfortably in a matchbox they weigh less than 10g and are one of the smallest marsupials in… Read more »

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