  • Flying Fox

    World Bat Appreciation Day

    April 17th is World Bat Appreciation Day! Time to take a minute to think about what amazing animals bats really are. Bats are one of the oldest types of mammal (warm-blooded animals that suckle their young) and one of the most successful – about 20% of all mammal species are bats. It seems that learning… Read more »

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  • bat tours ecotours carnarvon roma

    What are those Little Red Flying Foxes?

     Many people travelling through Roma and Outback Queensland during Spring may notice the presence of fruit bats not present at other times of the year. These are Little Red Flying Foxes (Pteropus scapulatus), and are a bit different from the species of flying foxes on the coast which typically roost in large permanent colonies.  Little… Read more »

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