  • Being a responsible traveller in Australia

    Whether you are an international tourist or an Aussie citizen, it is important to travel throughout Outback Australia responsibly. There are many factors to consider and be aware of, such as our poisonous creatures, animals that may cross roads at any times of day (cattle, kangaroos and emus), distances between some towns and black spots… Read more »

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  • outback queensland

    What to Expect in Outback Queensland: Central and Far West

    After you’ve explored all that South West Queensland has to offer (read our blog here), don’t be afraid to wander a little farther into the Central West and Far West Regions. These regions hold a huge amount of Australian history and beauty in some of Queensland’s harshest environments. A few hundred kilometres north of the… Read more »

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  • What to Expect in Outback Queensland: South West Region

    South West Queensland provides a broad scope of landscapes and activities to experience. This region has just a few unusual names that’ll be sure to keep you entertained on the road. For example, you’ll find Pickanjinnie is located somewhere in between Wallumbilla and Muckadilla. In the Outback, races aren’t strictly limited to horses; we like… Read more »

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  • Life is Never Boring – Tasmania

    Happy New Year Everyone! With 2018 now under our belt we are looking forward to 2019 and hope you are too. Craig, I and our kids were fortunate to be able to take a little time off to go to Tasmania in December.  We did lots of their wonderful walks and although we didn’t get… Read more »

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  • woman holding baby crocodile

    Life is Never Boring – Travels and Crocodiles

    The last couple of weeks have been a bit of a whirl wind.  It began with the Myriad Conference in Brisbane for innovative businesses – a place where businesses promote their product, try to attract investors, sponsors or clients as well as be inspired by others who have created great businesses from nothing, sharing their… Read more »

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