  • swans on dam at farm ecology rural outback Queensland Roma

    Life is Never Boring – Swans

    I had an early morning start in the crispy cool air to run some molasses out to cattle on the farm. With three dogs on board and the 1000 litre molasses tank full, away we go in the dark, watching as the sun rises to expose what the new day will bring. We run molasses… Read more »

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  • woman on horse on her farm in Roma

    Life is Never Boring – Part One

     Hi, I’m Meryl.  I live on the outskirts of a country town called Roma in Outback Queensland.  Between my family, the farm, running an ecological consulting business, ecotour business, and community interests, life is never boring.  This is the beginning of my Blog, as I aim to share with you weekly some of the day… Read more »

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