  • When Magpies Attack

    When Magpies Attack – What To Do

    We often get asked about Magpies and while its never fun to be on the receiving end of a Australian Magpie Cracticus tibicen’s  defensive behaviour, it is understandable when you learn a little more about them.  Why do Magpies swoop? They’re are very territorial birds. They’ll protect their territory from other birds throughout the year…. Read more »

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  • Spring is in the air!

    I was looking at my diminished woodpile this morning and thinking that I might not need to cut any more this winter. We might just have seen off the worst of the cold. Spring is in the air! In the last week I’ve noticed the Little Noisy Friarbirds Philemon corniculatus (a kind of honeyeater) arriving… Read more »

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  • Spotted Bowerbird

    Spotted Bowerbird: Nature’s True Collector

    Our Principal Ecologist and Tour Guide Craig Eddie took these photographs of a bower in some roadside vegetation in western Queensland. The bower belongs to our resident bowerbird in Outback Queensland – the Spotted Bowerbird Chlamydera maculata. Like all bowerbirds, they build a bower which is basically an archway constructed from grass stems and twigs. Each… Read more »

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  • Barn Owl

    The Barn Owl

    The Easter Barn Owl (Tyto javanica) is quite a common night bird around the Roma district and throughout much of Queensland. To give it it’s full name, it’s the Eastern Barn Owl, which distinguishes it from very similar and closely-related forms in other parts of the world. You are most likely to see this bird… Read more »

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  • Carnarvon Gorge to brisbane

    How did Boobook Explore get its name?

    Meryl Eddie “Growing up on a farm in the South Burnett area and at the tender age of twelve I started my own business – a Poll Hereford cattle stud. When registering my stud I had to decide on a prefix. Most nights after the radio and T.V. were turned off, and you were lying… Read more »

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  • Wedge Tailed Eagle

    Wedge Tailed Eagle- Carrion eater becoming carrion

     Our beautiful, big, majestic emperors of the sky are constantly putting themselves in danger. Why? An easy meal, fast food if you like. Unfortunately, large numbers of animal carcasses litter the roads, with more casualties being added each and every night. The dry conditions are making the green pick on roadsides a worthwhile option for kangaroos… Read more »

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  • Grow Natives to Encourage Australian Birdlife

    As the seasons change and the Summer heats up, many of us are heading back out into the garden to give it a new lease on life after the winter chill. Instead of planting Pink Periwinkle or Cadaghi this season, why not go for an Eremophila or Bottle Brush? Native gardens maintain the local biodiversity,… Read more »

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  • Feral Birds We Don’t Care For

    Springtime sees an increase in the numbers of birds brought to the Maranoa Wildlife Caring and Education Centre (MWCEC), and our great supporters BOOBOOK. It’s peak breeding season for many species. In all the excitement adult birds have mishaps like hitting windows or getting caught by cats, while youngsters can be blown out of nests…. Read more »

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